Thursday, July 15, 2010

Being the Discovery of Box

It bodes ill when one discovers a box aboard your ship that no one on the crew recognizes and which when opened is empty. Particularly when the box is discovered so soon after a convention.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Being a Recording of the Events which occurred at Connecticon

The weekend found Falcon’s Vengeance in an aero-port outside of Hartford with our weekend hosts, Mr. and Mrs. N in anticipation of the Convention of Connecticon. Our Cousins, the Brothers McManniss, arrived late Thursday evening, but after leaving them with a family of skunk’s last time we had the opportunity to visit at the Port of Boston, Captain Izumi and I only made a token blast into their port side by way of greeting so that they would know we were there.

We arrived at the Convention Hall first thing in the morning to set up our booth and quickly ran into Miss L. Dearfour who helped us transport our items to the artist’s bazaar where we set up our booth and home base for the weekend. Mistress Inyx Hemlock, a fellow vender, was already set up and most conveniently her booth was across the aisle from ours affording us the opportunity to visit briefly with each other throughout the weekend, a luxury we rarely have. However many of our usual associates were absent, including our apprentice pirate and the Baron Von Lahey, and were indeed well-missed.

Fortunately, despite those were unable to attend, there were far more that we did see over the course of the weekend and it was only a matter of time before other friends and associates began to appear: Ay-leen the Peacemaker, Professor U. Marvel, Dr. H. Rapture, who we were pleased to see and were sorry for his recent ill-health, and Capt. Adella Mortimer, all of whom frequently stopped by over the course of the weekend – indeed A. and Miss D. shared boarding with us with Mr. and Mrs. N. for part of the weekend. We had opportunity to visit with Mrs. L. Sussenberger who is most amazing as it seems she is forever planning the most impressive events and spoke of not one, but two upcoming in the next months, Mr. Tangent, Mr. Sketch, and many others over the course of the weekend. In the Vender’s Bazaar, we had opportunity to visit with our author/artist friends, Mr. Mookie Terracciano who recently proposed to Miss Alyssa, Mr. Dave Lister, who is ever charming and even came to our booth to visit for a time, Mr. Garth Graham, Mr. Shawn Handyside, Mr. Brian Wilson, Mr.’s Mohammad Haque, and Ananth Panagariya and Miss Yuki. My hat was even used by another as a model for future drawings she intended to create. Although busy we did have opportunity over the course of the weekend to give brief greetings to Whisper Merlot and Captain Winslow of the Icarus.

For our own parts, in addition to selling our paintings and at least attempting to maintain the image of having some kind of legitimate source of income (aside from piracy, which we only practiced a small measure of over the course of the weekend), we ourselves hosted an assembly for ball-jointed dolls at which many lovely members of the Den of Angels attended to share their creations, a Japanese Tea Ceremony at which there were more than seventy guests, and I demonstrated for another fifty individuals aspects of the art of Asian Brush painting, for which I am grateful to the generosity of fellow artist Miss T. DeFabrizio who loaned me her paintbrushes that the participants of my panel could practice the strokes I demonstrated. It is unfortunately never a convention unless we forget something, and this time it was the brushes necessary for my lesson. And over the course of the weekend Captain Izumi was finally able to complete the repairs and modifications on a damaged gun she had liberated from someone some months ago, though I think she still prefers her harpoon for intimidation sake in crowds.

At the end of the weekend, we briefly kidnapped Mr. and Mrs. Norris and their guard, Tiny, and Mrs. S. Weatherby for dinner at the aero-port at Mr. and Mrs. N’s residence thus ending a successful weekend with a final victory. We happily anticipate continued interactions with the many friends we saw over the course of the weekend – those mentioned and the many I did not mention by name but with whom we had conversations with over the course of the weekend and look forward to seeing next year, or possibly earlier at our next appearance – Another Anime Convention.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In preparation for a Convention

We have landed in the air-port outside of the city of Hartford in anticipation of the events of the weekend. The plan is that lady A. and Miss L. will be staying with us, though of course I anticipate interactions with the Cousins, the crew of the Iccarus and Baron Von Lahey.

I lament that circumstances have left me unable to do much botanizing or naturalizing - but I was struck with a sudden illness this weekend that kept me abed and I worried I was going to be too ill to attend the convention, so reserved my energy exclusively for healing rather than writing in order to be most prepared for the weekend. Indeed even setting ink to paper before now has been quite beyond me, though I am much recovered now and anticipate much adventure this weekend.